The Influence of Abu Ali Farsi on Literary Criticism and Contemporary Critical Theories
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSajjad Arabi 1 * , Marzieh Kohandel 2 , Mohammad Reza Salari 3
1 - PhD student in Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University - Bushehr - Iran
2 - Instructor of Islamic and Humanities scientometrics group, Islamic World Sciences Citation Database (ISC)
3 - Researcher of Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), Shiraz - Iran
Keywords: syntactic critique, modern hermeneutics, Holy Quran, Abu Ali Farsi, syntax and rhetoric,
Abstract :
Abu Ali Farsi was one of the scholars of Arabic language and grammar in the Abbasid era that paid great attention to the sciences of the Qur'an, especially the seven recitations of the Qur'an, and this led him to offer influential views in the fields of syntax, rhetoric and lexicography. These views had a significant contribution to the development of various sciences, including literary criticism, and hypothesize the influence of Abu Ali on the emergence and expansion of influential theories in the field of literary criticism. In this way, in this article, it is tried to study the influence of Abu Ali Farsi on the emergence of two theories of syntactic criticism and the theory of interpretation or hermeneutics based on descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explaining the role of this world of syntax in literary criticism. The results of the research showed the high influence of Abu Ali Farsi in the theories of literary criticism, especially the theory of syntactic criticism and hermeneutic theory. The roots of these two theories can be seen in the views of Abu Ali Farsi. Abu Ali Farsi's influence on the theory of syntactic critique originates from his high influence on sciences such as philosophy, logic, and his extensive use of rational analogy and reasoning and contemplation. It is possible to deduce some of the views of the pioneers of the new hermeneutic theory in the West, such as Schleiermacher, Gadamer and Dilthey in the views of Abu Ali Farsi, especially in explaining the readings of the Qur'an.
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