Reasons for the spread of Maqama in Arabic literature and its disappearance in the contemporary period and its limitation to Persian literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohammad Rasool Ahangaran 1 , Farah Naz Rifatjoo 2 *
1 - Faculty member of Tehran University
2 - Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Assistant Professor)
Keywords: education, Opposition, imitation of Maqamah, admiration, entertainment,
Abstract :
The Abbasid era represented a great cultural revolution that was the inevitable result of changes in the new Arab and Islamic life and led to a significant progress in form and content. This change indicated the cultural integration of the Arabs with the countries with which they were associated. Literature has been the true history of great changes in human societies. In Arabic and Persian literature, maqamah is an introduction to cultural dialogue that has survived as the root of civilization, its branch and fruit throughout the ages. Maqamah in its form and content was an accurate expression of major changes in social life and evidence of cultural fusion between Arabs and Persians. This article tries to clarify the reasons for the decline of the art of maqamah in Persian literature because the opinions of some scholars indicate that the Persians do not tend to the language and art of maqamah. It also deals with the reasons for the spread of maqamah art in Arabic literature until the beginning of the twentieth century and its extinction in the present era.
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