Comparative Study on Homeland in Muthaffar Al-Nawab and Seyed Ashrafedin Hosseini ’s Poetries
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mahdi Ramshini
Fariborz Hossein Janzadeh Sarasti
Mohammad Shaygan Mehr
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kaashmar Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kaashmar Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kaashmar Branch
Keywords: freedom, people, homeland, awakening, Independence,
Abstract :
Muthaffar Al-Nawab and Seyed Ashrafedin Hosseini, nicknamed North Breeze (Nasim e Shomal), have patriotic and libertarian tendencies and enjoy almost the same tactics to support the homeland and fight against colonialism and tyranny. Both live in an age where the political, social, and literary atmosphere of their countries are very similar. They consider literature as a means of enlightening society and apply it for this very purpose, and used poetry, music, and aesthetic elements to convey their message to their audiences. They both love their compatriots and have awareness, awakening, and responsibility. Each has his own worldview and thoughts, and the secret of their penetrating words is recognizing the literary taste of their compatriots and expressing the issues and problems of the masses. The two are constantly pursuing their ideal community; a society that is free from oppression and discrimination and encourages everyone to achieve it, and does not tolerate oppression and discrimination against human beings, and acts to eradicate it with their thoughts and pens.
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