Poetry of Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi and its Quranic and romantic themes
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSiamak Asgharpour 1 * , Atefeh Asghari Chenar 2
1 - PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan, Isfahan
2 - MA student of translation, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Impact and Influence, Arabic literature, Romantic school, Resistance Literature,
Abstract :
Since Abu al-Qasem Al-Shabi was born in a family in which the light of the Holy Qur'an had shone on its atmosphere, so he chose the Qur'an as a companion and managed to preserve it, and even influenced it in his social life and way of thinking. In a way that he made the style of his romantic poems closer to it. This is what prevented his poems from deviating from the Quranic teachings that this effect is often seen in his poems and themes. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, this article aims to examine how the poet uses the teachings of the Qur'an and the subject of his hatred of vices and evils and praising the virtues and virtues in his poems which is allocated to the subject of nation and homeland in order to explain a source from which he has been inspired in his stances on various social and cultural events and situations by understanding Shabi verses.
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