The effects of dystopia in the poetry of Ahmad al-Waeli, a case study of the ode "Baghdad"
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAlireza Mohammad Rezaei 1 , Seyed Yusef Nejat Nejad 2 * , Mostafa Chanani 3
1 - Associate Professor, University of Tehran.
2 - PhD student, University of Tehran
3 - MA in Payame Noor University of Shousha.
Keywords: poetry, Al-Waeli, society, Dystopia, Chaos,
Abstract :
Many contemporary writers and poets have investigated the phenomenon of dystopia or the opposite of the utopia; the corrupt city, in their works, and blamed the oppressive governments and rulers, with their poetry and works, who do nothing for the sake of people and their future but their own interests and supporters, and informed their own people and audiences for the evil effects and stimulated them for their removal and correction. Unemployment, poverty and deprivation of natural and legal blessings, destructive wars and their bad effects, lust and the luxurious life of rulers and leaders of power are its most prominent features. Ahmad al-Waeli warned Iraqi people in a poem titled "Baghdad" and his other poems, against the existence of the corrupt city and criticized the rulers and governments with his poem. In this article, we examine the characteristics of this anti-utopia in the poet's poem "Baghdad" using a descriptive and analytical method, and at the end, we refer to the results of this study.
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