A Study on the Principles of Governance and Government in Nahj al-Balaghah and Siyāsatnāmeh(based on Military and Martial issues)
Subject Areas : شعر
Gholamreza Heidari
Masoumeh Khaleqi
1 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch
2 - MA, Persian Language & Literature, Teacher
Keywords: نهج البلاغه, Nahj al-Balaghah, Governance, نظام الملک, کشورداری, امور نظامی, سیاستنامه, military sector, Nizam al-Mulk, Siyāsatnāmeh,
Abstract :
Governance and government have always been paid attention since the beginning human's social life and various works have been written about it since ancient times in this field. According to Iranian's historical – religious connection with Arabs, the relationship between Persian and Arabic language and literature is very deep and rooted. The influence of religious, social, ethical, political and even governmental experiences in the literary works of both nations reflects this connection and relation. The present research considers a leader with specific capabilities necessary and vital in order to achieve the goals and aspirations of the government and could prove the impact of Imam Ali's governance method by enumerating the important principles of governance in the military sector and explain these principles.
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