A Comparative Study of the Ideological Poems of Ahmad Shamloo and Paul Alvar
Subject Areas : شعر
Fatemeh Abdshahi
Mohammad Reza Mohseni
1 - PhD student, Department of French Language, Tehran University of Science and Research
2 - Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch
Keywords: شعر, poetry, آزادی, جامعه, عدالت, Utopia, freedom, society, justice, اتوپیا,
Abstract :
In the field of comparative literature, by examining common themes in the literature of different nations, countless commonalities can be achieved that emphasize the mutual influence of poets or writers. The birth of any poetic text arises from the social, political and economic conditions prevailing in society, which is narrated and reflected by the pen of a committed poet. In this article, a comparative study of the ideological poems of two famous poets from two different cultures and civilizations French Paul Alois (1895-1952 AD) and Iranian Ahmad Shamloo (1926-2000) has been investigated with emphasis on basic concepts such as peace, justice, freedom, love and ideal -utopia - based on sociological method and ideological critique. The approach to compare the poems of these two great poets is a sociological approach; Because these two poets have been greatly influenced by the times in which they lived and reflected social events in their works. In fact, the purpose of social critique is to study the interaction of literature and society. In addition, in this article, we will use the critique of ideology.
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