A Comparative Study of Society and Its Reflection on the Political Thought of Saadi Yousef and Abolghasem Lahouti
Subject Areas : شعر
Yahya Maroof
Fereshteh Jamshidi
1 - Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
Keywords: سیاست, اجتماع, society, Politics, سعدی یوسف, لاهوتی, Lahouti, فنون ادبی, literary techniques, Saadi Yousef,
Abstract :
A comparative study of society and its reflection on the political thought of Saadi Yousef and Abolghasem Lahouti from a political and social perspective requires understanding the specific conditions of the society in which these two poets lived. Since the concept of freedom has taken a political color during the constitutional period, this concept appears in Lahouti's poetry as a revolt against oppression and support for the working class and the suffering, and in Saadi Yusuf's poetry as a struggle against empty and false promises. Saadi Yousef and Abolghasem Lahouti have used various literary techniques such as symbol, humor and contradiction, adaptation and guarantee to express the influential social situation in their poetry, for example, to indicate the existence of enemies and colonizers, symbols such as black, red, city and Villages, palms, rivers, etc. have been used, with the difference that in Lahouti poetry, the use of a symbol is more tangible. These two poets have also been able to use other mentioned techniques to have a good impact on the political and social situation of the people of their land and to fight against oppression, exploitation, imperialism, westernization and the invasion of Western foreign culture.
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