Comparative Study of Mahmoud Darvish and Bahar's Patriotism
Subject Areas : شعرLeila Jalali 1 , Safi Allah Kord 2
1 - PhD Scholar, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
2 - PhD Scholar, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
Keywords: فلسطین, Palestine, محمود درویش, Israel, ادبیات مقاومت, resistance literature, Mahmoud Darvish, دشمن اشغالگر اسرائیلی,
Abstract :
If the Palestinian – related poetries are divided into three titles as Palestinian displaced, devotees and concepts such as return to Palestine, it would be illuminated that after 1967 which Palestine demonstrated its presence in the battle with Israel, many poetries were composed. Mahmoud Darvish – Palestinian resistance poet – became famous after 1967. His poetry could be divided into three stages as beginner with featherless sparrows, intermediate with olive leaves and advanced with love to Palestine. He knows pullback as ten jumps to developments. Since his poetry is the heart of the Palestine's contemporary poetry this the present paper tries to study the resistance literature manifestations such as national identity, patriotism, fight against the old persecution and motivation.
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