Comparative study of magic in literature and the Quran
Subject Areas : شعر
1 - Faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch(Associate Professor).
Keywords: شیطان, جادو, ساحره, توتم, کاهن, Magic, devil, witch, totem, priest,
Abstract :
The first thing to note that the original human nature was his own and so charmed the great mystery that is spontaneous magic and charm of refuge. It is elegant, hard and tough and eventful vulnerable on the ground and in the fierce animals and devastating natural disasters Motivated sexual power and intelligence and thinking able to provide their vulnerable species alive. Hidden instinct of fear of the future, the general primitive human societies and communities the same advanced. Which stems from the ignorance or limited knowledge inspired and can be considered the most important factor magic. In this article we discuss the roots and express the quality of magic from the perspective of different nations.
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