A comparative look at the effects of Fame in Arabic Literature
Subject Areas : شعرSeyed Hossein Mousavi nejad 1 , Fariborz Hosynjanzadeh 2
1 - Faculty member of University of Jiroft.
2 - Faculty member of University of Kashmar
Keywords: poets, اعراب, umayyad, ایرانیان, شعرا, اموی, عباسی, ادبیات عرب, Arab, Iranians, abbasian, Arabs literature,
Abstract :
Here I want to introduce Iranian celebrities in Arabic literatures. In order to achieve this purpose, I study periods of literature history and finally it was found that Iranian contribution in formation of Arabic literature was impressive. By entrance of Islam to Iran, many followers turned to it. And the association of Arabs and Iranian people caused the mutual influence on both countries culture. This influence is less visible in Umayyad caliphate. Because Umayyad caliphate, prefer Arabs to non-Arabs especially Iranian people. And this preference causes less contribution of Iranian in literature domain in that period. This humiliation finally led to down fall of Umayyad. After revolution of Abu-Muslim Khorasani, the ground for Umayyad downfall and formation of Abbasid caliphate was provided. Abbasid begin their insurrection by accepting Ahl-Al-Bayt and enjoy the total support of Iranian. This matter had beneficial consequences for Iranian; they gain important positions in Abbasid caliphate. This high contribution and elation in their position had a great effect on emergence of religious, literary and scientific faces. In this study we will be familiar with some of these celebrities which most of them are literary people.
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