A Comparative Study of Ahmad Shamloo and Ahmad Matar
Subject Areas : شعرJavad Kaboutari 1 , Masoumehh Bakhshi Zade 2 , Hossein Arian 3
1 - Assistant professor, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Dehdasht Branch
2 - PhD Candidate, Persian Language & Literature, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad
3 - Assistant professor, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
Keywords: literary criticism, Arabic poetry, ادبیات معاصر, contemporary literature, نقد ادبی, شعر عربی, نظریه شخصیت, personage theory,
Abstract :
Ahmad Matar – the famous Arab poet – has versed his poetries in conflict with the majorities, thoughts and acts. The reader witnesses his objections and revelation against the cruel and traitorous government; the exact method can be seen in Ahmad Shamloo's poetries. The similarities in their poetries made us to study their poetries based on their attitudes comparatively. The personage theory has been chosen among critical approaches; while it is of special importance among psychologists. The present research studies the abovementioned poetries based on the famous psychologists' theories. According to Freud's theory on triad traits – id conflicts, ego and super ego – the applied psychiatric mechanisms are recognized in order to solve the conflicts. The method is descriptive – analytical and librarian.
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