A comparative study of the poetry of Warraq Heravi and Saadi, focusing on the didactic typeAbstract
Subject Areas : شعر
ayat shokati
Masoud Bavanpouri
vahid sajjadifar
1 - Department of Persian language and literature. Khoy branch Islamic azad university. Khoy. Iran
2 - دکترای زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان
3 - دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه رازی
Keywords: ادبیّات تعلیمی, محمود وراق, حکمت, سعدی شیرازی, ادبیّات تطبیقی,
Abstract :
Mahmoud Waraq Heravi and Saadi Shirazi are two poets who have paid special attention to wisdom, advice and advice in their poetry divans. Being influenced by Islamic culture and religious teachings, especially the Qur'an and Nahj al-Balagha, along with personal life experiences, are among the sources of wisdom in their poetry. Simplicity and clarity of words and phrases, relative freedom from abandoned and incomprehensible terms, departure from the old lexical culture and using the lexical culture of our era, using proverbs in accordance with the needs of the age and the taste of the people and its popularity are among the characteristics of this edict literature. Two wise poets are considered. The present research aims to investigate the commonalities in the didactic and judgmental literature of two poets by using the descriptive-analytical method and using the American school of comparative literature. The results of the research indicate that both poets in the form of verses and various literary types recommended moral virtues such as work and effort, patience, kindness and forgiveness, anti-cruelty, etc. They have warned against greed, greed and envy. Dealing with the moral and educational principles in the poetry of these two poets is sometimes close to the point that it is as if these slogans came from the thinking of one person; For example, in two stanzas, Waraq considers property and wealth to be a means to preserve and increase human dignity, and Saadi also points out the exact same point in one stanza.
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