A comparative study of vocabulary diversity in Arabic and Persian dubbing of Inside Out based on Johnson's model
Subject Areas : شعر
Abdulbasit Arab Yousefabadi
1 - Faculty member of Zabul University
Keywords: Keith Johnson, Inside Out, statistical stylistics, vocabulary diversity,
Abstract :
In recent years, statistical analysis is used as a tool to evaluate the independent characteristics of texts. Keith Johnson, one of the theorists of statistical stylistics, believes that the style of that text can be obtained by calculating the ratio of the vocabulary of each text. In translation studies, this model can also be used to check the vocabulary diversity of the target text and compare it with the source text. The Inside Out (2015) is the winner of the Oscar award for the best animation, which was well received due to the fascinating subject of psychology and artistic depictions of mental concepts. In terms of style, the script of this animation is full of general and specialized words, a feature that is also evident in the translation of the script. In this research, an attempt is made to compare the lexical diversity of the Arabic and Persian dubbing of the above animation by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and referring to Johnson's model. The results show that the vocabulary of the Arabic dubbing of animation (52%) is more diverse than its Persian dubbing (45%). The reason for this variety of vocabulary can be found in the word production process in Arabic (based on derivation) and its clear difference from the word production process in Persian language (based on composition); Because the process of derivation provides the possibility of producing more diverse words than the process of composition.