Comparative study of the coordinates of "Hajj travelogue" based on Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Mazeh's travelogue
Subject Areas : شعرFazel Abbaszadeh 1 * , Sarban Valizadeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Pars Abad Moghan Azad University, Moghan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Pars Abad Moghan Azad University, Moghan, Iran
Keywords: Litrary gener, structure, comparative literature, Travelogue, American school,
Abstract :
have set their destination and aim for their trip to Mecca to do the Hajj commandment and if it weren't for this goal, we would only have a few travelogues today.Meanwhile, during trip to Hajj, many belletrist have mentioned the conditions of this trip and compilation of a book in the form of a travelogue, and have created a special literary form called "Hajj travelogue" in terms of content, structure and other stylistic and literary features is differentfrom travelogue in the general meaning. . This study wants to compare and analyze characteristics and conditions of Hajj travelogue in Persian and Arabic literature by relying on two ancient Arabic and Persian travelogues called Ibn Mazeh's travelogue entitled "Latayef Al-Azkar lelhozar and Al-safar fi Al-manasek and Al- Adab" and Ibn Jubayr's travelogue entitled " Al-Nasak's validity treatise fi Al-Karimat and Al-Manasek . The results show that both travelogues were from the title to the form and content for Hajj and for the purpose of Hajj. Characteristics and conditions in the processing of time, place,subject,and structure, etc distinguish it from other types and travelogues According to the American comparative literature School, this study investigates a comparative study of this type of literature in two said works
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