A comparative study of the most important social themes in the poems of Qasem Haddad and Ahmad Shamloo
Subject Areas : شعر
reza kuchari
ardashir sadradini
mostafa yegani
1 - PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran,
2 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran,
3 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran,
Keywords: Social Themes, Qasem Haddad, Ahmad Shamloo, poetry, comparative literature,
Abstract :
Comparing the literati of Iran and the Arab world is one of the topics that has been considered by Persian and Arabic scholars. Today, common social issues have provided grounds for intellectual commonalities and Social themes are also a recurring theme in contemporary literati around the world And due to the cultural and social convergence that exists between the literature and literati of Iran and the Arab world, a study of this perspective will bring new achievements to the research. Qasim Haddad and Ahmad Shamloo are two Bahraini and Iranian poets who have devoted a large part of their poems to expressing the realities of society due to the problems of society and the problems of the people. In this research, which has been compiled by library and descriptive-analytical methods, social themes in the poems of both poets have been studied with a comparative view. The political and social conditions prevailing in their societies, their poems have a lot in common, topics such as patriotism, freedom, oppression and justice are the common motifs of these two poets Which are presented with narrative and story-like context, choosing the right words and using internal music.
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