A comparative study of immortality in the mythical world of Sepahri and theology
Subject Areas : شعرfattaneh semsar khiabanian 1 * , Kamran Pashaie 2
1 - Lecturer at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch Center, Tehran, Iran
2 - Member of the Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Sohrab Sepehri, Iternality, Abdol Wahhab al-Bayati, Myth,
Abstract :
Comparative study of eternality in the Sepehri and Albayati mythical world, humans have made struggle for perception and reaching eternality since beginning to fulfill his innate desire..The human tendency toward eternality has been manifested in different forms including myths and literature so the humans considered the demons as their primary enemies which prevents them from attaining eternity .Since the one of the important aspects of demon and his power is causing death; hence struggle for rejecting demons is connected with avoiding death and achieving eternal life.Various poets have created eternal manifestations of combination of the myth of eternality and poetry in the literature scope. This research investigates the subjective and talented commonalities of Sohrab Sepehri and Abdullvahav Albayati with two different nationalities.Avoiding death and immortality in their poems are manifested by reliance on love, nature, being trans- temporal, hyperspace that this article aims to investigate this subject.
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