Comparative study of the use of war instruments in Eskandarnameh's manuscript and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. (a case example of Bysanghari's Shahnameh and Nezami's Khamseh with Antarat Ibn Shadda Arab poet and warrior)
Subject Areas : شعر
Fatemeh sharafi
seyyed ali akbar shariati far
ali eshghisardehi
1 - PhD student
2 - facultymember
3 - facultymember
Keywords: Ferdowsi, Antarat, Nezami, Moalaghat,
Abstract :
History of Iran is full of rich literary resources that it has noticed different dimensions among combat and festivity. Among these books are Eskandarnameh's manuscript and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and one of these subjects that according to being epic important parts of these large books has in it an impressive presence, is ceremonies and techniques and combat instruments. Therefore prepared research that is in looking to review adapting the use of war instruments in Eskandarnameh's manuscript and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. (a case example of Bysanghari's Shahnameh and Nezami's Khamseh with Antarat Ibn Shaddad Arab poet and warrior. After expanding conceptual space about research subject, they will study the subject of war instruments and their application. According to thematic documentation provided in this research, research method, descriptive - analytical and information gathering method in this article is a library. Findings of this article show that in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh like other poets benefits of the application of war instruments and tools, and in this regard, it combines courage and bravery with love and affection. According to Eskandarnameh and other Nezami's works this truth is clear to us that Nezami has had perfect acquaintance with kinds of martial, festive instruments and weapons of war. Antarat-Ibn-shadad is the best poets of the age of ignorance and one of the composers of “Moalaghat”. His poems have significant beauty and elegance. Therefore, his poems are in three levels of semantic, syntax and harmonics
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