Sociological study of Saeb and Fuzuli poems in the Safavid period
Subject Areas : شعر
ayat shokati
golam ali hazratgholizadeh
jalil amirpoor daryani
1 - Department of Persian language and literature. Khoy branch Islamic azad university. Khoy. Iran
2 - PhD student of Persian language and literature.shabestar branch Islamic azad university. shabesta. Iran
3 - Department of Persian language and literature. shabestar branch Islamic azad university. shabestar. Iran
Keywords: Saeb, Fuzuli, poetry, Safavid, Sociology,
Abstract :
The social issues of each period have a significant impact on the formation of the literature of that period. Because contemporary poets share common social events and experiences and experience almost identical intellectual and cultural conditions; Therefore, it is natural to see common tendencies and themes in their works. In this passage, the poems of "Saeb" and "Fuzuli" as two poets of the Safavid period have been studied from a sociological point of view in a descriptive-analytical method to answer the question of what social themes each of these two poets pays attention to. And what social concerns they have reflected in their poetry. The results show that the poems of both poets have a significant potential for sociological studies. Most of the social issues were common in the poems of both poets, but rarely did they encounter themes that appeared only in the poetry of one poet, such as: the tendency towards narcotics, Eid al-Fitr, and the complaint against the heavens. The issue of homelessness and closeness to the homeland was also one of the issues that brought different views of the two poets.
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