Comparison of two solar systems, emerging grom terms of the semantics of numbers
Subject Areas : شعر
zeynab noroozali
Ahmad khiyali khatibi
aliasghar halabi
1 - PhD student in the Faculty of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch
2 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the Faculty of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
3 - Department of Literature and Humanities. Faculty of Persian Language and Literature. Islamic Azad University. Tehran Center
Keywords: Symbols, Numbers, archetypes, comparative literature,
Abstract :
The world of numbers is a fascinating world in the world.The first and foremost number is the symbol of science,ranging into statistics and documented for any Discussion.Show the quadruple action and show the heart of the smallest neutron particles.Building the largest building in the world has always started from a small number and a simple Calculation,it is the number raised and down,the tidal fraction and the trajectory of the missile reaches to the surface of the moon. On the other hand,the rational and regular number that the base of the world is easily assailed is the color of the story and its vast concepts. The argument holds for the numbers of power and a particular symbol that can affect human life and the whole universe. One of the most widely used models is numbers. on the basis of Jung's theory, we consider the number of numbers in the above-mentioned works. They seem to have an accurate and accurate understanding of their numbers and use them in their works. Both are similar in practical concepts of numbers and have used it in their poems, especially in religious verses. The numbers are similar to symbolic meanings but with different frequencies in both of them. This research has been done by using library and digital Resources.
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