A Comparative Study on "Humorous Diwan" by Abolghasem Halat and "Red Nomad" by Mohammad Maghut
Subject Areas : شعر
Fatemeh Gooshe Neshin
Parvin Tajbakhsh
Zeinab Sherafati Gourabi
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Payam – e Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Payam – e Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Post Graduate, Persian Language & Literature, Payam – e Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Social Problems, Black humor, Liberalism, Humorous Diwan,
Abstract :
Literature has always been one of the most important tools of criticism in societies and writers have enjoyed it indirectly and symbolically. One of the methods that writers use to express social problems and empathize with people is humor. Black humor is a laugh mixed with pain that comes from the rebellious person’s heart to confront common and incorrect political and social beliefs and behaviors. Abolghasem Halat and Mohammad Maghut’s poetries are full of this kind of humor, which they have applied to express problems such as poverty, foreign interference and so on. But Maghut has enjoyed black humor in a broader sense and has also addressed subjects such as war, imprisonment and problems in the Arab world. These two poets have also applied techniques such as contradiction, contempt and humiliation. But at the same time, they have not used words and phrases that are contrary to morality and culture. The different individual and social conditions of these two poets have caused the mild tone in their words but the sting of the Maghut’s words is more noticeable.
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