Comparative Analysis of Shame in Vis and Rāmin, Khosrow and Shirin
Subject Areas : شعرFaezeh Eftekhari Roozbahani 1 , Mohammad Ali Shafaei 2 * , Masoumeh Khodadadi Mahabad 3 , Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi 4
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Varaamin Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Varaamin Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Varaamin Branch
4 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch
Keywords: betrayal, Psychological Criticism, love, disgrace, lyrical poetry,
Abstract :
The characters of a lyrical poem depict human emotions that originate from individual and society’s heart. (sense of) Shame has always been one of the most important emotional elements in Iranian culture as well as romantic relationships. The reflection of this theme leads to the formation of all kinds of shame, each of which leads to different reactions. In this research romantic relationships are studied by comparison of two poems "Vis and Rāmin" and "Khosrow and Shirin", in two different time periods (before Islam and after Islam), while conceptual analysis of shame reflection and selection of keywords are analyzed as well. The results of the study show that the type of shame is different in these two poetries and while having different contexts, it also appears differently in the performance between lover and beloved, which is carefully analyzed.
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