Design a model of employee relations with colleagues based on a hermeneutic approach
Subject Areas : Behavioral Studies in ManagementSajjad moradian 1 * , Majid jahangifard 2 , Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi Ali mehdizadeh ashrafi 3
1 - student, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, firoozkooh Tehran Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistance Prof, Department of Management, Faculty of Management firoozkooh Tehran Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistance Prof, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, firoozkooh Tehran Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Colleagues, Communication, Grand Theory, Employee Relationships, Hermeneutic Approach,
Abstract :
This study was conducted with the aim of designing a model of employee relations with colleagues based on a hermeneutic approach and in order to better understand the relationships and relationships between employees. Semi-structured interviews were used to answer the research questions and Strauss and Corbin model was used to analyze the data. Philosophical foundations of the present method are symbolic-interpretive paradigm, its approach is inductive and the quality of research is qualitative. The statistical population of the study is 15 university professors and specialists working in the headquarters of Yasouj University of Medical Sciences, which was according to the saturation rule and using purposive sampling method. The data obtained from the interviews during the open axial and selective coding process led to the development of theory and the design of a staff relationship model. The results of the study include: learning, improving behavior, joint efforts, empathy, reducing conflict and violence, satisfaction, team and group formation, increasing power and increasing deviant behaviors. It is expected that due to the existence of social and human interactions, indicators of substantive reason such as social responsibility, commitment, attention and care of colleagues and observance of ethical and human principles prevail over employees.
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