Drawing Mental Value Map of Iran Airlines Costumers on Consumption of In-flight Beverage with ZMET
Subject Areas : Behavioral Studies in ManagementAlireza Fayazi 1 , Abdollah Naami 2 * , Reza Aghamusa 3
1 - Ph.D Candidate in business managemant, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch, Iran
2 - Depatmant of business managemet, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch, Iran
3 - Depatmant of business managemet, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch, Iran
Keywords: Airline, ZMET, Mental Value Map, Means-End Chain, In-flight Beverage,
Abstract :
Providing appropriate services in the airline industry is a key factor in customer satisfaction. Also, serving food and beverages is one of the most important parts of in-flight services. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to draw the mental value map of Iran airline customers on consumption in-flight beverage by ZMET projection method in order to achieve a model to examining consumer behavior. For this purpose, based on the saturation point logic, 15 participants involved in the issue were selected by judgment. Then interviews with semi-structured approach per interviewer accomplished, and contents base upon a customized model of the means-end chain was directional analyzed. Thus, the most repetitive key elements and structures were extracted. After that by means of Atlas ti software collective map of mental values of customers was drawn. Accordingly, 4 elements at the attributes level, 13 elements at the criteria level, 14 elements at the benefits level, and finally 3 elements at the end values level were identified, and their priority was determined for the target community. The results help to obtain the variables affecting the perception and mental decision-making process of customers and provide the basis for product satisfaction and repetition of the desired behavior.
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