The Impact of Supply Chain Quality Management Operations and Capabilities on Operational Performance and Innovation Mediated by Environmental Performance
Subject Areas : business managementmehrnaz bahramzad 1 , Mostafa Moballeghi 2 *
1 - Department of Industrial management, Karaj branch, Islamic azad university, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial management, Karaj branch, Islamic azad university, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: innovation, operational performance, Environmental Performance, : Measures and capabilities of supply chain quality management,
Abstract :
Whereas the first goal of supply chain is creating satisfaction for the needs of customers in the supply process as well as generating profit for the supply chain themselves; And also, we know the supply chain is an important and vital part of a company’s survival and can operate the same in similar companies. So, companies share the same units in the supply chain and as a result, as have mentioned, they reduce their costs and increase customer satisfaction. Supply chain quality management indicators are involved in various factors, including operational performance and innovation, and various studies have been conducted to prove the way and their impact. Each of these components can be affected by other factors and be strengthened or weakened, the way it has not been studied so far. In this article, an attempt has been made to impact of supply chain quality management operations and innovation mediated by environmental performance. Finally, the question of how environmental performance is effective on operational performance and innovation is answered.