The stylistics of Anis Talibin's manuscript
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Keywords: Manuscript, stylistics, Safavid period, Anis al-Talibin, Muhammad bin Mahmud Fars, 11th century,
Abstract :
The literary works of any nation are a mirror of the whole culture and civilization of that nation, which express human emotions, psychological and internal issues, and represent the verbal arts and ultimately create the spirit of literary satire. Based on this, one of the ways to pay attention to the identity and existence of societies is to collect and compile manuscripts and plan carefully to identify and introduce these works. Despite the many efforts that have been made in the last century to introduce and correct the rich treasure of Persian verse and prose literature, perhaps there are capable poets and writers whose works still remain in the veil of indolence and anonymity, and these exquisite works are in the corner of oblivion in various libraries. The treatise of Anis al-Talibeen by Muhammad bin Mahmoud Fars is one of the exquisite works of the Safavid period, which has not been edited or published so far.
Therefore, the authors decided to investigate its stylistic elements and components in this research, while introducing this work, and explain the validity and originality of this author's prose. Examining this work shows that Muhammad bin Mahmoud Fars is a capable writer and has given great importance to the structure and texture of the word. Arabic images, words and themes, allusions, metaphors, synonyms, metaphors and artifices that can be seen in other works and texts of this period are also clearly evident in this work, and considering that any, research which examines the components of the cognitive style of Anis al-Talebin's treatise has not been done yet, So, it is necessary to conduct the present research.
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