A comparative study of literary realism in "The Language of Water" by Afaf Khalaf and "The foot that left" by Seyed Naser Hosenipour
Subject Areas :
Nasrin Mansouri
Naser Hoseini
ardeshir sadredini
1 - Phd student, Arabic Literature, Islamic Azad university, Mahabad , Iran
2 - Department of Arabic Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Mahabad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
Keywords: Comparative literature, Arab literature, Persian literature, Realism, Water language, The foundation of eternity.,
Abstract :
Literature is the outward manifestation of the emotions, thoughts, and inner feelings of nations. Novels and memoirs are two literary forms that are among the most popular genres in Iran and Arab societies today, especially in Palestine, which grapples with the phenomenon of invading. Literature created under conditions such as oppression, tyranny, deprivation of individual and social freedoms, invading, land usurpation, and plundering of national resources to resist internal and external injustices is referred to as resistance literature. It is also described with other terms such as literature of resistance, defensive literature, epic literature, and war literature. Realism, as a literary movement, emphasizes the representation of social truths and everyday life, striving to depict tangible realities and details accurately and without exaggeration. This study, conducted using a descriptive-analytical method within the framework of library research, seeks to answer the question of how the novels Loghat-Alma by Afaf Khalaf and The Foot that Left by Seyyed Naser Hosseini-Pour reflect the elements of literary realism and what their similarities and differences are. Based on the findings of this research, both works fully align with the principles of literary realism, with particular emphasis on three elements: attention to realities, character typification, and detailed descriptions, which are prominently highlighted by both authors.
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