The Analysis of thematical metaphor of God in Attar's Diwan
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesLida Paydar 1 , Jahandoost Sabzali pour 2 * , Khoda Bakhsh Assadollahi 3 , Sowrollah Nowruzi Davudkhani 4
1 - Ph,D. student in Persian language and literature, Khalkhal branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor in Persian language and literature, Mohaghegh Ardabili university, Humanities college , Ardabil, Iran.
4 - Assistant professor in Persian language and literature , Payam Noor university, Tehran , Iran.
Keywords: god, thematical metaphor, anthropomorphism, Diwan of Attar,
Abstract :
Cognitive linguistics is one of the contemporary linguistics which show how man has recognized his creation and reflected it in the language. Thematical metaphor is of the important theories in cognitive linguistics. One can investigate the global thoughts of the writers and poets through it. This metaphor helps us through tangible phenomena attain what are unknown. The problem of knowing God and understanding it has always been difficult and it was like walking on the blade of a knife. But the analysis of thematical metaphor has let the writers and poets enter this sensitive domain.This research studies the thematical metaphors of God, in the frame of George Lakoff and Johnson model , in Diwan of Attar to show how God is defined in the world view point of the poet and mystic of the sixth lunar century. The results of the study indicate that there is a macro metaphor of anthropomorphism in which one can find several micro metaphors which speculate God in the mold of writer, painter mirror smith, and craftsman and the other times , as Islamic tradition, as light or the Sun.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
الف- کتابنامه
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