The Stylistic Analysis of Katebi Nishabouri's Lyrics
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesBahram Bashiri Khatibi 1 , Rostam Amani 2 * , Hamid Reza farzi 3
1 - Ph, D. student in Persian Language and Literature ,branch, IAU, Tabriz – Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz - Iran.
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: style, Lyrics, .Keywords: Indian Style, Katebi Nishabouri,
Abstract :
Abstract Katebi Nishabouri, one of the greatest poets of the 9th century, was living in a time when imitation and saying the like were of its distinguished characteristics. Most poets of this period repeated the themes of the previous poets with the least creativity. The purpose of this research is to answer these questions whether Katebi Nishabouri followed the way of his contemporary poets and imitated the poets of previous periods or not. What specifications do his odes have on the whole ? In this paper, Katebi's odes have been investigated from three dimensions of lingual, literary and thought in a descriptive-analytic method based on the library studies.. The findings of this study show that Katebi, at least in his odes, didn't have any imitation but had lots of innovations in them. Finding the main points, theme creation, euphemism, the way of equalization and also affliction which are the characteristics of Indian Style, were of his issues of his mind more than the others. Considering all these, it can be judged that Katebi is one of the entrepreneurs of Indian Style. Anyhow, from lingual and literal point of view, one can find traits of Araghi and Khorasani styles in Katebi's odes.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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