The Thematic Studying of the "Ashuraee Elegies" from Haydar Shabgard " In the mold of Liberty, revival of Islamic religion, Divine love and guidance"
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesFatemeh Aghazadeh 1 * , Rasool E'tebari 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
2 - M.Sc. Department of Persian Language and Literature, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
Keywords: Liberalism, love, Ashura, Islam, guidance, Keywords: elegy, Haydar Shabgard,
Abstract :
Abstract One of the impressive matters which has appealed the attention of the literary men and those who are poetry lovers is the threnody which denotes, in common, the poetry which is composed on the death of a loved one and enumerating his/her positive affairs; and specifically the dole and martyrdom of Imam Hossein (p. b. u. H) and the tragic events of Karbala and the innocent Imams; and in this case, the only difference lies in its content and the way it is presented and its strength and weakness in the grievance of the heart, specifically when it comes to the devotion to Aba Abdollah Hossein and his household. Haydar Shabgard is one of the elegist poets who has tried his talent in the lamentation of Ashura and proved his ultimate love for Imam Hossein (a.s.). The threnodies of this emotive poet which arouse a sad turmoil in the hearts of Imam Hossein's lovers, which initiates from his intense grief towards the tragic events of Karbala. Master Shabgard, in his elegies, besides allusion to the events of Karbala, points out the important aim of Ashura uprising such as reviving and propagating the Islamic religion, liberty, dignity and rejecting the false obedience, fighting against cruelty and supporting the "hejab" ( Islamic coverage for women).
فهرست منابع و ماخذ
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