The Stance of Narrative Allegory in Seyyed Bahaoddin Mostofil Mamalek's Diwan ( book of Poetry )
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesMahmood Hokmabadi 1 * , Razieh Nassabi 2
1 - Assistant professor Department of Persian language and literature, Tooyserkan branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tooyserkan, Iran.
2 - Ph, D. graduate Department of Persian language and literature , Karaj branch , Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: narrative Allegory, Keywords : allegory, book of poetry, Seyyed Bahaoddin,
Abstract :
Abstract Seyyed Bahaoddin's Diwan is investigable from different approaches. One of its important and prolific implications and topics is the allegory – specifically narrative allegory. He has utilized the allegorical stories to express his ideas and thoughts in the religious, ethical and social domains because this method mostly affects on the minds of his reader. The present research which is discussed by descriptive – analytic method, deals with the allegory and its function, studying the poem in the narrative allegorical axis, introducing its segments and tools and answering the posed questions which have been appeared in its findings. Seyyed Bahaoddin's tendencies in expressing the codified allegories is alphabetical and it is his most important poetic characteristic and from this perspective he has had much impression in the frequency compared with other elements.
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