Studying the Integrative Thoughts in Mahdi Akhawan Sales' Works
Subject Areas : Abstract Articles
Abdollah Ghassemi
Zahra Khosrawi va Makani
1 - PhD Student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: symbolism, Keywords : integrative thoughts, Mahdi Akhawan Sales, creating myths,
Abstract :
Abstract The integrative thoughts in poetry, with any background, are basically of the most complicated outcomes of the poetic speculation and because of the extensiveness of the ideas and meaningfulness of the thought, and their paraphrase leads the reader in the way and quality of the looking at the poet. Akhawan Sales' poetry , as a distinguished contemporary poet is the owner of a style which integrates and combines the ancient literary tradition with novel language and thoughts that are presented in Persian poetry for the first time. His extensive dominance on Persian literary heritage has provided the opportunity for him to include his opinions beautifully in his poetry. The writers of this paper which is produced qualitatively by the descriptive – analytic approach, are studying the integrative thoughts in Akhawan Sales' works. Of the consequences attained from the research which have been done in three levels of lingual, literal, and speculation one can find the integration of archaic and colloquial language with modern and literary language; epic and ode in pre and post dominance of Islam; different religions; and also the integration of Nima's poetry with classic one. Akhawan has been able to create a new style in the sphere of poetry and literature by using symbolism and modern view point in Persian territory.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
7- خانلری، پرویز ، (1345)، وزن شعر فارسی، تهران: بنیاد فرهنگ ایران.
17- شاه حسینی، ناصرالدّین، (۱۳۶۸)، شناخت شعر، چاپ دوم، تهران: مؤسسۀ نشر هما.
18- فشارکی، محمّد، (۱۳۷۲)، میزان الافکار فی شرح معیارالاشعار، تهران: مرکز پژوهش میراث مکتوب.
19- ماهیار، عبّاس، (۱۳۸۲)، عروض فارسی، تهران: نشر قطره، چاپ ششم.
20 - وحیدیان کامیار، عبّاس، (1370)، بررسی منشاء شعر فارسی، مشهد: آستان قدس.