Studying the Epical, Mythological Allusions In Abbas Bagheri's Poetry
Subject Areas : Abstract Articles
Samar Miri
Abdollah Vacegh Abbasi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran.
Keywords: poetry, epic, Keywords : myths, Abbas Bagheri,
Abstract :
Abstract The basis of epic narratives are the same mythical stories that have been changed in the passage of time and have lived in a specific timetable and ultimately have been converted into verse by a competent poet. The myth is the symbolic explanation of profound psychological needs in the ancient sources. The scrutiny on these matters indicate that despite the combination of myths in the thought themes, they are not personal, but are a mass of psychological complex and interwoven processes. The purpose of present paper entitled : studying the epical mythological allusion in Abbas Bagheri's poetry is to have a comprehensive knowledge about the contemporary poets in a descriptive – analytical method and how the mythical and epical elements have been studied. The research shows that Bagheri has paid special attention to myth and epic in his poetry and there is a inseparable bond of myth and epic in his poetry. He has stated his purpose in the mold of epic and myth as allusion, symbol, allegory, image, and allusiveness. These elements have been mostly reflected in the frame of allusiveness to features of mythology and epic like Rostam, Zaal, and … and animals like Simorgh and beliefs and traditions like Nooshdaru (panacea) and creatures like Ahoora, and epical natural elements like Gaz and Hamoon. The poet has not used them merely for beautifying his words but has reflected the torments and problems of his society in it.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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