Investigating the relationship between knowledge management and strategic orientations with organizational performance
Subject Areas : strategic Management
Akram Mo'taz Jabr Obeid
Javad MoradiChaleshtori
1 - Msc of sport management, Esfahan branch, Islamic Azad University, Esfahan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord Branch
Keywords: knowledge Management, Strategic Orientation, organizational performance,
Abstract :
Introduction: Knowledge and learning in organizations have changed from a side activity to an essential part, just as business and electronic communication have accelerated business interactions.The current research was conducted with the aim of the Investigating the relationship between knowledge management and strategic orientations with organizational performance of the Iraq Track and field Federation.
Methodology:This research is descriptive and correlational in terms of purpose and application. Its statistical population includes the chairman, vice-chairmen, general secretary, committee managers and all expert experts of the Iraq Athletics Federation in the number of 340 people, and 181 people were selected from the target population using with the Morgan table. The sampling method was a simple random method. The tools used in this research include Lawson's knowledge management questionnaire (2003), Kaplan and Norton's organizational performance (2001) and Teodosio et al.'s (2012) strategic orientation questionnaire. The data analysis of this research was done in the descriptive part by frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation and in the inferential part by normality tests, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression test using spss22 software.
Results and Discussion:The results after the analysis showed that knowledge management has an effect on the organizational performance of the Iraq Track and field Federation with a correlation coefficient of 0.638, and strategic orientation has an effect on the organizational performance of the Iraq Track and field Federation with a coefficient of 0.593.
Conclusion: Therefore, knowledge management and strategic orientation have an effect on the organizational performance of the Iraq Track and field
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