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        1 - Removing terrorism from Islamic jurisprudence and jurisprudential explanation of political decision Imam KHomeini (RA)
        احمد مرادخانی فاطمه رحمانی
        Today, the phenomenon of "terror" affect the daily lives of ordinary people, especially Muslims. However, the teachings of Islam under attack by some Western countries and is a doubt, terrorists created. Roots and explains the term in Islamic jurisprudence and jurists, More
        Today, the phenomenon of "terror" affect the daily lives of ordinary people, especially Muslims. However, the teachings of Islam under attack by some Western countries and is a doubt, terrorists created. Roots and explains the term in Islamic jurisprudence and jurists, terms that are equivalent to the word terror, And also delves into the assassination of Islamic jurisprudence and Quranic verses and traditions in dealing with offenders, and examining the reasons for the legal permissibility and impermissibility of killing human beings for the purpose of Mbrasazy Islam and Muslims from terror and violence is concerned. In this paper, using the analytical method and remove all doubts on the cause of death sentence of Salman Rushdie issued by Ayatollah Khomeini (RA) And provide de-terrorism Islamic Bill of Rights has been investigated. Manuscript profile
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        2 - چکیده های لاتین شماره 24
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Mulla Sadra represent the views of Empedocles
        محمدحسین ایراندوست
        «امپدوکلس» (430 -492 قبل از میلاد) شهروند فرهیخته اکراگاس درسیسیل بود. در فلسفه امپدوکلس اشیاء عالم کل هائى هستند که موجود و فاسد مى شوند ولى درعین حال این از اجزا فنا ناپذیر ترکیب شده اند. فیلسوفان اسلامی از امپدوکلس در مباحث مختلف فلسفی یاد کرده اند. دراین More
        «امپدوکلس» (430 -492 قبل از میلاد) شهروند فرهیخته اکراگاس درسیسیل بود. در فلسفه امپدوکلس اشیاء عالم کل هائى هستند که موجود و فاسد مى شوند ولى درعین حال این از اجزا فنا ناپذیر ترکیب شده اند. فیلسوفان اسلامی از امپدوکلس در مباحث مختلف فلسفی یاد کرده اند. دراین میان ملاصدرا در آثار و تالیفات خود به صورت ویژه ای او را معرفی نموده و آراء وی را به شکل خاص تحلیل و تفسیر نموده است . این مقاله درصدد است تا به روش توصیفی به این سئوال پاسخ دهد که «امپدوکلس» در آثار ملاصدرا چگونه معرفی شده و نظریات مهم او از نگاه صدرالمتالهین چیست؟ و این نتیجه حاصل شده که در گفتار ملاصدرا، «امپدوکلس» در زمره گروه پنج نفره مشهور و شایسته عنوان «حکیم مطلق» و از روسا و رهبران سیاسی شهر یونان بوده که علم و دانش را احتمالا از حضرت داوود (ع) آموخته و از زُهاد و عابدان عصر خویش بوده و به آخرت و معاد اعتقاد داشت. و آرائی مانند ترکب عالم از عناصر اصلی چهارگانه بسیط، انحصار بسائط در عناصر چهارگانه، کمون برخی اشیاء در اشیاء دیگر، و ابطال کون و فساد از نظرات مهم اوست. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - شناسنامه علمی شماره 24
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Comparative Studying the Abetting by ommition in English and Iranian Legal System.
        Amir MohammadKarimi SeyedDoraid MousaviMojab Ismaeil AghababaeiBeni
        By reviewing the topic of abetting, this question arises that is omission the element of criminal behavior in abetting? By studying this case we found that the vote of lawyers and jurisprudents are different. Most of lawyers and jurisprudents believe that the element of More
        By reviewing the topic of abetting, this question arises that is omission the element of criminal behavior in abetting? By studying this case we found that the vote of lawyers and jurisprudents are different. Most of lawyers and jurisprudents believe that the element of criminal behavior in abetting is only realized by positive actions; but some of them believe that this can be done by omission. On the other hand, legislators, by passing numerous rules, have accepted the abettingby means of omission. In this field, it’s worth noting that not-suggesting the element of omission by some of the jurisprudents doesn’t mean its refusal. Although, in many cases partnership in crimes is depends on positive actions, but this isn’t true in all cases. By the way, after reviewing the element of omissionin criminal behavior as abetting in judicial system of UK, we found that, based on criminal rights of the country, partnership in crimes by omissionis accepted in certain conditions. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Jurisprudence approach over the costs of education and health in wife's alimony
        zeinab mashhoodi ابراهیم شبیری
        Abstract This study sought to determine the scope of legal and jurisprudential aspects Nfqh wife. According to Article 167 of the constitution in cases where the law is silent about the sentence or brief question must issue a warrant to be derived from legal sources and More
        Abstract This study sought to determine the scope of legal and jurisprudential aspects Nfqh wife. According to Article 167 of the constitution in cases where the law is silent about the sentence or brief question must issue a warrant to be derived from legal sources and according to the jurists. Article 1107 of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran analogy is considered to be the wife's alimony, but he set the range for the costs of education and health, explicitly or even implicitly there. So to extract the sentence should refer to the sources of Islamic law and doctrine. In this context, by examining legal opinions on the Nfqh wife, it proves that maintenance In addition to items such as food, clothing and housing, such as education and health costs as well as the wife. Of course there are differences of opinion on this issue, but as always conventional, popular opinion is preferred. Thus, according to the study presented conditions that have been conditionally costs are not absolutely the wife's alimony, unlike other conventional alimony. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Buy and Sell blood from the perspective of Jurisprudence
        masoumeh motallebi سید محمد شفیعی مازندرانی
        Blood is one of the eleven uncleanness that was unclean in Islam, and it is honor. While in the past to no avail blood not only was not there but it was Tnfrnyz. Today, with the advancement of medical knowledge and diverse use of human blood and blood products is especi More
        Blood is one of the eleven uncleanness that was unclean in Islam, and it is honor. While in the past to no avail blood not only was not there but it was Tnfrnyz. Today, with the advancement of medical knowledge and diverse use of human blood and blood products is especially critical been a special place. No tapping of blood and blood products not treated the great wheel turns and many surgeries will be difficult. The aim of this paper is to consider the matter to be proved that the blood is beneficial Pricing Mhllh anus. Ksyrh and benefits of human life today is desperately needed and, if necessary and possible emergency use and operation. Manuscript profile
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        8 - the jurisprudence on the beautification of the head and face
        narges khatami سید محمد مهدی احمدی
        One of the nice features of Islam confirming and strengthening the sense of patriotism In regard to appearance and consequently maintain the dignity of man and Muslim Accordingly.This is in line with growing demand for cosmetic surgery has been done head and face. Accor More
        One of the nice features of Islam confirming and strengthening the sense of patriotism In regard to appearance and consequently maintain the dignity of man and Muslim Accordingly.This is in line with growing demand for cosmetic surgery has been done head and face. Accordingly, for a license to beautify the verses and hadiths and practical principles And also because it can be argued rationally. In this paper, the library method And provide evidence, if accepted for any reason to briefly review And has been answered. Memel possible prolongation until Vakhtsar disruptive been warned. key words: Beauty, the reason, Head and face, Permit Manuscript profile