Explaining causality in the Sino and Sadrai philosophical systems
Subject Areas :
فلسفه اسلامی
Azar Sepahvand
Mohammad Hossein Irandoost
Esmaeil Alikhani
1 - PhD Student, Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Iranian Wisdom and Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2020-02-25
Accepted : 2020-08-09
Published : 2020-03-20
Ibn Sina,
Philosophical System,
Mulla sadra,
Cause and Effect,
Abstract :
The question of causality is one of the most important philosophical issues that cannot be understood without understanding the universe. Basically any discussion, talk, and experience is based on understanding and accepting causality. The issue of causality has been addressed in many ways. New Western philosophers such as Hume and Kant have addressed this issue from an ontological and Muslim ontological point of view. This article seeks to consider, in terms of analytic causality, its implications for Islamic philosophy, and particularly for transcendent wisdom. In conclusion, it has been concluded that causality has both minimal and maximum meanings. The minimal meaning is explained by philosophical systems before transcendent wisdom, but the maximum meaning is explained by the specific principles of transcendental wisdom such as the principle of existence and the existence of existence. This distinction reveals that many of the disagreements with the principle of causality do in fact imply the maximum meaning of causality and are the least accepted meaning of most philosophers.
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