• Panjeh pour.Ahmad The nature and legal dimensions of the assignment of upstream oil contracts with a view to the IPC contract [ Vol.16, Issue 62 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Poorkhaghan Shahrezaee.Zeynab The interaction or opposition of the right to development with the limitations of obtaining new atomic technology [ Vol.16, Issue 60 - Summer Year 1402]
  • pourghahramani.babak Protection of the Victims of Smuggled Health-oriented Goods in Iranian Criminal Policy and International Documents [ Vol.16, Issue 60 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Pourmohammad Golzari Nobar.Mojdeh Iran's Challenges on the rights of child labor according to the international law [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Spring Year 1402]
  • pournemati shamsabad.Tahere The study of democracy and people's sovereignty in Shia jurisprudence relies on domestic and international laws [ Vol.16, Issue 60 - Summer Year 1402]