Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Construction Contracts of the International Union of Engineers
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
Milad Moradian Zazerani
Ali Rostamifar
Hamid Ghasemi
1 - PhD student in private law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran. Email: miladmoradian.phd@gmail.com
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Qeshm, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran. (Author). Email: arq119@yahoo.com
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran. Email: hamidghasemi@ut.ac.ir
Keywords: International contracts, FIDIC Dispute Resolution Board, Standard Model Contracts, International Construction Industry,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: Dispute resolution in fiduciary contracts are often found in large construction projects to help the parties resolve or avoid their disputes and, ideally, prevent them from turning into international construction arbitration. The special feature of international construction contracts justifies the need to develop standard methods and international dispute resolution procedures. Therefore, the evolution of dispute resolution mechanisms in international construction projects and the protection of the economic interests of the parties are among the most important concerns of both sides of the construction contract, which is foreseen by the International Union of Consulting Engineers in the sample contracts. The goal is how Fidic has been able to manage it by adopting multi-layered methods to prevent disputes or in the event of disputes.Method: In this research, the descriptive-analytical method was used and the library method was chosen as the method of collecting information and materials.Finding and Conclusion: The findings of the research show that Fidic has tried to be an effective mechanism for quick dispute resolution by providing multi-layer models in sample contracts in terms of the agreement of the parties in choosing one of the dispute resolution methods; But this procedure will be valid only if the parties act in good faith and are willing to implement the decisions made voluntarily.
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