The rights of the person being monitored in the Indian legal system with a look at Iranian law
Subject Areas : International Legal Researchmaziyar khademi 1 * , amirhamzeh salarzaei 2
1 - Deputy Public Prosecutor and Revolution and PhD student of Public Law at Allameh Tabatabai University
2 - Professor of Fiqh and Islamic Law, Faculty of Law and Islamic Studies, University of Sistan and Baluchistan
Keywords: ", Preliminary Investigation", Accused Rights, Supervised", Indian Criminal Law",
Abstract :
AbstractBackground and purpose: The concept of "under surveillance" and the rights of the individual in this situation are associated with the police. Considering the development of India's criminal justice system in recent years and the extensive and anti-corruption reforms regarding the functioning of police authorities in promoting and protecting the rights of defendants, by examining the laws and rulings of the courts in both text and procedure, in this article The individual was monitored at the time in order to identify this concept in Iranian law in order to use the experience of India to achieve more protection of the rights of the accused and to improve the Iranian penal system.Method: The present article has been interpreted by descriptive-analytical method and relying on judicial judgment.Findings and Results: The present article seeks to answer the question of how the identification and guarantee of the rights of the supervised person has been in the Indian penal system and what has been the performance of the judicial system of this country? The findings of the study are that the rights of the accused have been properly identified in the criminal and constitutional laws of this country and the judiciary in India relies on rulings based on a broad interpretation of the law and in favor of the accused, gaps caused by vi
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