The impact of the virtual world on family law
Subject Areas : International Legal Researchazam karami ghare ghashlaghi 1 , abdolreza alizadeh 2 * , seyed ali alavi ghazvini 3
1 - university of tehran/international pardis of aras
2 - university of tehran -farabi college
3 - university of tehran- farabi college
Keywords: Couples, Judicial Procedure, Family proceedings, Virtual world, family consolidation,
Abstract :
The development of technology and communication (ICT) has made a huge change in human relations in such a way that the most basic institution of the society has faced intellectual, psychological, cultural and social damages in order to maintain itself and its functions against the transformation caused by the changes. In dealing with these injuries; Cultivation plays a key role in the recognition and correct use of the virtual space under the title of improving the level of media literacy.This qualitative research was conducted in terms of purpose, application and opinion gathering of information, sources related to the subject, and the obtained information was analyzed in a descriptive-analytical manner.This research has investigated the performance of virtual space from the positive and negative side on the institution of the family. In explaining the traumatic sociological factors, identity change, isolationism, virtual space addiction, privacy violation, etc. have been considered as negative factors of the effect of virtual space on the foundation of the family. Protecting the rights of family and ultimately improving the society depends on strengthening substantive and formal laws that are appropriate to the platform of virtual space and its unique features such as the speed of interactions and the absence of traditional borders. Reforming family laws as an independent institution in the perspective of the legislature requires changes in the field of reforming computer crimes, combining traditional family law laws with the characteristics of cyberspace and legislating regulations for the protection of family rights.