Analyzing the role of credit containers in regulating financial legal relations With a comparative study of Shia jurisprudence and the legal system of Iran and France
Subject Areas : International Legal Researchali shariati mehr 1 , ebrahim abdipoor 2 * , ebrahim delshad 3
1 - PhD student in private law, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Full Professor, Department of Private Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran(Author).
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: responsibility, Property, Islamic Legal System, Property Rights, Germanic Roman system, fulfillment of obligations,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: Today, in legal systems adapted from the Roman-Germanic system, legal issues are generally divided into two parts: rights of obligations and rights of property. In this regard, the authors of the civil law have dedicated the topics of this law to the general topic of "property" in the first volume. However, the topics related to the rights of obligations, contrary to being separate in the Roman-Germanic system, are included under the title of "contracts, transactions and requirements" as well as "claiming contracts" despite being modeled on jurisprudence and with the aim of combining the two systems, under the general title of "property". are The present research aims to introduce and place credit containers in realizing the effects of financial legal relations.Method: The present research was carried out using a descriptive and analytical method.Finding and Conclusion: From the point of view of subjectivity, ordering the financial legal relations of individuals in jurisprudence is explained by the two credit containers of "liability" and in the western system, these relationships are regulated by the credit container of "property".For this reason, the philosophy of creating credit vessels, in addition to the mentioned case, is to create minimum dependence of property on individuals and also to give it authenticity in order to facilitate the demand and transfer from one person to another. Therefore, in order to combine property rights and obligations rights, the civil law has established some kind of communication and interaction between credit vessels in order to regulate financial legal relations.
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