The effects of the dissolving condition in the legal system of Islamic countries according to Imamiyeh jurisprudence
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
hosein gafari samet
mahshid sadat tabaei
javad niknehad
1 - PhD Student in Private Law, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Electronic Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Author).
3 - Assistant Professor of Law, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch
Keywords: Islamic Countries, dissolution, Condition of termination, suspended against, condition of negative result, teachings of Imami jurisprudence,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: Today, the use of the dissolving condition is very popular due to the imbalance of the rights of the seller and the customer, because the parties to the contract of sale try to balance each other's rights by mutual agreement, and one of the contractual ways to balance the rights of the parties is to use It is a dissolving condition, which as a condition of the void condition, is a kind of suspension condition in which the dissolution and rescission of the sale is suspended until the occurrence of an accident (usually non-payment of price). The question that is very important to answer is what are the effects of including the mentioned condition in the contract?Method: The present research was carried out using a descriptive and analytical method.Finding and Conclusion: What is the subject of discussion is about the effects of the dissolving condition after the formation of the contract and before the fulfillment of the suspension act , regarding the effects of the mentioned stage, although the jurists and jurists in establishing the right to conditionality and prohibition Conditional vs. they agree on carrying out possessions contrary to the conditional right, but they disagree about the nature of the said right and the guarantee of enforcement of the violation of the said right. If the condition of negative void condition , the right created for the seller is a primary objective right that is supported by the legislator, and the transaction contrary to the condition of termination is in the state of protection.
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