Genetic diversity in walnut anthracnose casual agent fungi, Ophiognomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Sogonov by ITS and IGS CAPS in northwest of Iran
Subject Areas : Agroecology Journal
Mahdi Mianaji
hamid abdollahi
solaiman jamshidi
1 - M.Sc. in Biotechnology, Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh Branch, Miyaneh, Iran.
2 - Scientific Board of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran .
3 - Scientific Board of Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh Branch, Miyaneh, Iran.
Keywords: PCR-RFLP, Anthracnose, Walnut black spot, Marssoniella juglandis,
Abstract :
Genetic diversity of Ophiognomonia leptostyla, walnut anthracnose casual agent in northwest of Iran was studied. 30 isolates were collected from different regions and purified as single spore cultures. DNA extraction from fungi mycelium was carried out. The ITS-rDNA region amplified with ITS1 and ITS4 primers. The IGS-rDNA region was amplified by NS1R and LR13R primers. Bands with 600 and 2300-2320 bp length were obtained in ITS and IGS amplification, respectively. Amplified fragments were digested by EcorI, HindIII, TagI, HinfI and BamHI restriction enzymes. EcorI, TagI and BamHI had no restriction site on amplified ITS region and HinfI and BamHI had no restriction site on IGS region. All isolates were grouped in four clusters based on ITS and IGS CAPS with 75% similarities.
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