Evaluation of two types of tractor steel lugged wheel in paddy soil preparation
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalAli Reshadsedghi 1 * , Masoud Zabolestani 2
1 - Scientific Board of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Azarbayejan-e-Sharqi
2 - Scientific Board of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Azarbayejan-e-Sharqi
Keywords: Paddy soil preparation, Tractor steel lugged wheel, Travel reduction, Field capacity, Mechanization,
Abstract :
It is obvious that a tractor with ordinary rubber tyres performs poorly in wetland operations due to slip and sinkage. To overcome this problem and consequently to increase tractive efficiency and field capacity of tractor in different farm operations in rice cultivation, two types of tractor steel lugged wheel were manufactured.One of them was a folding type cage wheel which could be attached on each tractor rear wheel, and could provide facility for road transportation.The other one was a steel wheel with several teeth around it, named swampy steel wheel, that can be replaced each tractor rear wheel and could move in puddled soils.In this study, for folding type cage wheel evaluation, travel reduction and field capacity of tractor were measured with and without cage wheels by various tractor speeds in primary tillage operation and data analyzed as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Second type of steel wheel was evaluated from view point of capability of land leveling operation with different tractor speeds. separately. Results showed that, 1. Folding type cage wheels had significant effect on slip reduction in wet soil, thus, it increased travel speed and field capacity in tillage operation and. 2. using the second type steel lugged wheel increased tractor speed and field capacity of field operations such as land leveling, seed broadcasting and spraying in puddled soils.
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