Evaluation of yield and yield components of bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalMaryam Amri 1 * , Hamdollah Kazemi Arbat 2 , Mozaffar Rustaii 3
1 - M.Sc. Student of Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Professor of Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof., Iranian Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Maragheh, Iran.
Keywords: Correlation, Path analysis, yield, Wheat, Yield components,
Abstract :
In order to evaluation of the relationships between some physiological and morphological traits with yield and its components in winter wheat, an experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Center of the Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch in 2008. Traits like plant height, peduncle length, number of the grains per spikes, grain weight, harvest index, grain yield, biological yield, straw weight were measured. Analysis of variance revealed that all characters were significantly different for all genotypes. This indicated significant genetic variations among the genotypes based on the measured traits. According to the results, there was a positive significant correlation between plant height with straw grain yield. Line No.2 (Shi#4414/Crow”s”//Kvz) produced the highest grain yield. Results of path analysis also revealed that straw weight had the highest positive effect (0.95) on the grain yield. Thus, it could be concluded that traits evaluated in this study could be used in breeding programs to select the promising and high yielding wheat genotypes.
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