Investigating the Effect of Separation Speed and Image Cross-Section Geometry on The Separation Force in DLP Method using FEP and PP Polymer Membranes
Subject Areas :
additive manufacturing
Siavash Moayedi Manizani
Jamal Zamani
Mohammad Salehi
Mohammad Taghi shayesteh
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of KNTU, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of KNTU, Iran
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of KNTU, Iran
4 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of KNTU, Iran
Received: 2022-10-10
Accepted : 2023-02-21
Published : 2023-09-01
Additive Manufacturing,
Separation Speed,
Digital Light Processing,
Separation Force,
Abstract :
One of the most challenging issues in DLP 3D printing is separation. Thus, the capability to employ a variety of polymer membranes can considerably aid in the development of the DLP technology. The primary purpose of this study is to thoroughly explore the characteristics influencing separation force and time on the FEP industrial membrane and the proposed PP membrane. Therefore, the impact of image cross section geometry and separation speed on separation force and separation time is investigated. As a consequence, changing the percentage of surface porosity has a negligible effect on the amount of separation force. According to the findings, reducing the cross-sectional area by 1.36% reduced the separation force by 6.5 times. Moreover, the outcomes are consistent with the mathematical model given. the separation force rose by 230% in the FEP membrane with an increase of 96 times of the speed, whereas the separation time decreased by 18.8 times. For the proposed PP membrane, as the speed increases, the separation force rate increases by 175% and the separation time falls by 29.6 times. The aforementioned findings show that the PP film may be used as a practical and affordable solution with quick separation that can reduce printing time when producing three-dimensional lattice pieces at varying speeds.
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ETEC 2022, 3D Printers|Desktop, Professional and Industrial|EnvisionTEC, [online] Available at: <> 2022.