Design, Modeling and Adaptive Force Control of a New Mobile Manipulator with Backlash Disturbances
Subject Areas : roboticsHami Tourajizadeh 1 * , Samira Afshari 2
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Adaptive Force Control, Mobile Manipulator, Backlash Disturbances, Modelling of Firing Manipulator,
Abstract :
In this paper a new model of the mobile robot is designed and modelled equipped by a manipulator which can perform an operational task. Also an adaptive force controller is designed and implemented on the robot to provide the capability of the operational task of the robot. Kinematic and kinetic modelling of the robot is developed and a new force control method is proposed for controlling the manipulator of the mobile robot by which the external disturbances caused by its operational performance can be controlled. Therefore, in this paper, a new mobile robot is designed which is suitable for operational tasks like firing and its related modelling is presented. Afterwards, an adaptive force controller is designed and implemented in order to neutralize the destructive effect of the mentioned backlash disturbance. By conducting some analytic and comparative simulation scenarios, the correctness of modelling and efficiency of the designed force controller is verified and it is shown that the proposed closed loop mobile manipulator can successfully accomplish a firing operation in a large workspace of a mobile robot with good accuracy.
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