A study of the themes of "Soro" poems in Rostam city
Subject Areas : ...gholamali Mohammadi 1 , Atamohammad Radmanesh 2 * , Mahbobeh Khorasani 3
1 - PhD Candidate Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
Keywords: Local poems, Soro, Rostam city, wedding,
Abstract :
The folk literature of each realm and region reflects and expresses thought, belief, customs, behavior, cultural and social relations and way of life. This literature, which is manifested in poetry and prose, is a mirror that reflects the social characteristics of a people. Among the different types of folk literature, poetry has a special place and among the various forms of poetry, the words in Persian literature have a long history. This form of poetry has been prevalent in the Persian language since the beginning of poetry. One of the areas in which this form of poetry has been especially developed is the city of Rostam. The Studies show that the most significant and frequent poetry form of folk literature in this city is the “Mofradat” that booklovers read themaccording to the occasion. “Mofradat” in the folk literature of Rostam city is divided into "couplet", "Saro", "Sharveh" and "Lullaby". In this research, the items called "Soro" in terms of theme are analyzed. "Soro" is the origin of women's sensitivity and voice in the wedding celebration, in which a part of the culture of the people of the city is manifested. In fact, these poems express the love and affection of mothers and women for boys and men. As they should and perhaps have been able to cope with this love and affection of the heart and have done their duty well. On the other hand, wedding culture can be seen in these poems. In other words, "Soro" is a long-standing cultural center in the wedding celebration of Rostam city. The themes of these poems are masculinity, description, advice, threat, wedding custom, humiliation, early marriage, warning, boasting, manifestation of religion.
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منابع شفاهی
1. ستاره یوسفی. 2. عجب ناز خواهانیزاده. 3. سیدی حسینی. 4. زهرا حسین زاده. 5. ماهتاب نامداری. 6. نوری قهرمانی. 7. فاطمه رحمان ستایش. 8. بگم سعادت فر. 9. همهجان محمّدی. 10. عبدالعلی حسین زاده. 11. آبیجان انصاری. 12. همهجان زمانی. 13. شمسی هاشمی. 14. زیاد حسینی. 15. ماهشرف فاتحیزاده. 16. بیناز رسا. 17. همهجان لهراسبزاده. 18. معصومه شفیعی. 19. ماهصنم محمّدی. 20. حبیب الله بازیار.