Theme Creations of Shīrku Bīkas by the Allusion into the Prophets Story
Subject Areas : ...mohammad irani 1 * , samira kanani 2
1 - دانشیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه رازی
2 - کارشناس ارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی
Keywords: Kurdish literature, Shīrku Bīkas, Prophets Story, Rebuild the Allusion, Theme Creating,
Abstract :
The stories about the prophets by no attention into the conscience and ritual difference have been attracted for the difference-nation-poets. Reflecting this stories wasn't far from kurdish poets. . Shīrku bīkas is one of the biggets poets of kurdish literature in the current age and he -by utilication from prophets story- had notice to say the meanings and other destinations like political censure social difficulties and problems ethnic difficulties and kurds ethnic popular struggle. Shīrku- by using his artistic imagination- finds some shares between his items and prophets events and then according to his words he points the prophets life events and then he finds artistic connection between himself, his homeland, his history, his homeland events and prophets life. We, the writers of this essay, have tried to peruse the reflection of prophets visage analytically and descriptively in the shīrku bīkas poets and check the heterologies in how to represent the prophets try with rebuild the allusions and creat the political social themes in this well-known poets poem. The conclusions of this research shows that this famous kurdish literature poet, in allusion to the prophets story, doesn’t have any idea about the prophets religious and creedy belief event but his oppinion is to saying his homeland political and social meanings on the cover of literary images and arts. Therefore, he can be counted as an under taking poet that he had used his poet for reflecting the nation and ethnic difficulties.
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