Physical status of drinking water city of Mahabad
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializations
Keywords: Water, Mahabad, physico-chemical,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: Drinking water to the various aspects (quality of physical, chemical, bacteriological and radiological) is a desirable quality. . Chemical contaminants in drinking water are greater than the limit recommended in the long term can cause irreversible damage to the human will. Many health problems in developing countries, lack of safe drinking water. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status of water quality parameters is the city of Mahabad. Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted and applied. During 1386 in the city of Mahabad in drinking water samples from several different sources (refinery output Dgrmvnd, Zalyvn, Phase 3 treatment Mahabad, and two areas of municipal water supplies) were taken. Physico-chemical parameters (position turbidity, pH, electrical conductivity, etc.) in the city of Mahabad Central Laboratory of Water and Wastewater, and analyzed according to standard methods of statistical analysis were used. Conclusion: The results of the analysis of samples that have been brought to the table and Charts it was estimated that in some cases the amount of color, conductivity, TDS also been Water standard is not cobalt water of the reason for this low efficiency of the treatment plant is. In general it can be concluded that the physico-chemical state of Mahabad city drinking water is good condition.